- Alamo L, Koubassova N, Pinto A, Gillilan R, Tsaturyan A, Padrón R, “Lessons from a tarantula: new insights into muscle thick filament and myosin interacting-heads motif structure and function.,” BIOPHYSICAL REVIEWS, SEP 04 2017, DOI: 10.1007/s12551-017-0295-1. Instrument: G1
- Alamo L, Ware JS, Pinto A, Gillilan RE, Seidman JG, Seidman CE, Padrón R, "Effects of myosin variants on interacting-heads motif explain distinct hypertrophic and dilated cardiomyopathy phenotypes," Elife eLife 2017;6:e24634, (2017).
- Anderson V, Nepal N, Johnson SD, Robinson Z, Nath A, Kozen AC, Qadri SB, DeMasi A, Hite J, Ludwig Jr. KF, Eddy Jr. CR, "Plasma-assisted atomic layer epitaxial growth of aluminum nitride studied with real time grazing angle small angle x-ray scattering," Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces, and Films 35, (2017).
- Barrit D, Sheikh AD, Munir R, Barbe JM, Li R, Smilgies DM, Amassian A, "Hybrid perovskite solar cells: In situ investigation of solution-processed PbI2 reveals metastable precursors and a pathway to producing porous thin films," Journal of Materials Research 32(10), 1899-1907 (2017).
- Berezkin AV, Jung F, Posselt D, Smilgies DM, Papadakis CM, "Vertical vs Lateral Macrophase Separation in Thin Films of Block Copolymer Mixtures: Computer Simulations and GISAXS Experiments," ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, (9) 37, 31291-31301 (2017), Instrument: D1
- Beyersdorf, Matthew S.; Sircar, Ria; Lookadoo, Daniel B.; Bottone, Cory J.; Lynch, Michael J.; Crane, Brian R.; Halkides, Christopher J., “Production, characterization, and assessment of a stable analog of the response regulator CheY-phosphate from Thermotoga maritima.” PROTEIN SCIENCE, (26)8, 1547-1554 doio:10.1002/pro.3180, AUG 2017 Instrument: A1
- Bhatt A, Mahon BP, Cruzeiro VW, Cornelio B, Laronze-Cochard M, Ceruso M, Sapi J, Rance G, Khlobystov AN, Fontana A, Roitberg A, Supuran CT, McKenna R, "Structure-Activity Relationships of Benzenesulfonamide-Based Inhibitors towards Carbonic Anhydrase Isoform Specificity," Chem Bio Chem 18(2), 213-222 (2017).
- Bingaman JL, Zhang S, Stevens DR, Yennawar NH, Hammes-Schiffer S, Bevilacqua PC, "The GlcN6P cofactor plays multiple catalytic roles in the glmS ribozyme," Nature Chemical Biology 13(4), 439-445 (2017).
- Boyaci Selcuk H, "Structural and functional studies of the regulation and inhibition of LuxO, a AAA+ ATPase," Ph.D. Thesis, Cornell University, Advisor: Fred Hughson (2017).
- Breil N, Carr A, Kuratomi T, Lavoie C, Chen IC, Stolfi M, Chiu KD, Wang W, Van Meer H, Sharma S, Hung R, Gelatos A, Jordan-Sweet J, Levrau E, Loubet N, Chao R, Ye J, Ozcan A, Surisetty C, Chudzik M, "Highly-selective superconformal CVD Ti silicide process enabling area-enhanced contacts for next-generation CMOS architectures," 2017 Symposium on VLSI Technology Digest of Technical Papers (2017).
- Bugaris DE, Malliakas CD, Han F, Calta NP, Sturza M, Krogstad MJ, Osborn R, Rosenkranz S, Ruff JP, Trimarchi G, Bud'ko SL, Balasubramanian M, Chung DY, Kanatzidis MG, "Charge Density Wave in the New Polymorphs of RE2Ru3Ge5 (RE = Pr, Sm, Dy)," Journal of the American Chemical Society 139(11), 4130-4143 (2017).
- Burganov B, "Angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy of epitaxially strained ruthenates," Ph.D. Thesis, Cornell University, Advisor: Kyle M. Shen (2017).
- Casu B, Arya T, Bessette B, Baron C, “Fragment-based screening identifies novel targets for inhibitors of conjugative transfer of antimicrobial resistance by plasmid pKM101,” SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, NOV 02 2017 Instrument: F1
- Chatterjee K, Ko JYP, Weiss JT, Philipp HT, Becker J, Purohit P, Gruner SM, Beaudoin AJ, “Study of residual stresses in Ti-7Al using theory and experiments,” JOURNAL OF THE MECHANICS AND PHYSICAL SOLIDS, AUG 24 2017 Instrument: F2
- Chatterjee, Shouvik; Ruf, Jacob P.; Wei, Haofei I.; Finkelstein, Kenneth D.; Schlom, Darrell G.; Shen, Kyle M. Lifshitz transition from valence fluctuations in YbAl3, NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, (8), 852, doi:10.1038/s41467-017-00946-1 OCT 11 2017, Instrument: C1
- Chen T, Chen WL, Foley BJ, Lee J, Ruff JPC, Ko JYP, Brown CM, Harriger LW, Zhang D, Park C, Yoon M, Chang YM, Choi JJ, Lee SH, "Origin of long lifetime of band-edge charge carriers in organic-inorganic lead iodide perovskites," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114(29), 7519-7524 (2017).
- Chen X, Schmehr JL, Islam Z, Porter Z, Zoghlin E, Finkelstein K, Ruff JPC, Wilson SD, “Unidirectional spin density wave state in metallic (Sr1-xLa x )2IrO4,” NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, DEC 14 2017 Instrument: A2, C1
- Chen Y, Tokuda JM, Topping T, Meisburger SP, Pabit SA, Gloss LM, Pollack L, "Asymmetric unwrapping of nucleosomal DNA propagates asymmetric opening and dissociation of the histone core," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 114(2), 334-339 (2017).
- Choudhury S, Agyeman-Budu DN, Woll AR, Swanston T, Varney TL, Cooper DML, Hallin E, George GN, Pickering IJ, Coulthard I, "Superior spatial resolution in confocal X-ray techniques using collimating channel array optics: elemental mapping and speciation in archaeological human bone," Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 32(3), 527-537 (2017).
- Clark, Braeden M.; Sundaram, S. K.; Misture, Scott T. Polymorphic Transitions in Cerium-Substituted Zirconolite (CaZrTi2O7) SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, (7), 5920, doi:10.1038/s41598-017-06407-5, JUL 19 2017, Instrument: F3
- Comandur R, Olson ED, Musier-Forsyth K, “Conservation of tRNA mimicry in the 5'-untranslated region of distinct HIV-1 subtypes,” RNA, DEC 23 2017 Instrument: G1
- Davis, Katherine M.; Schramma, Kelsey R.; Hansen, William A.; Bacik, John P.; Khare, Sagar D.; Seyedsayamdost, Mohammad R.; Ando, Nozomi, “Structures of the peptide-modifying radical SAM enzyme SuiB elucidate the basis of substrate recognition,” PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, (114)39, 10420-10425, doi:10.1073/pnas.1703663114, SEP 26 2017 Instrument: A1
- Degrauw, Aaron; Armstrong, Rebekka; Rahman, Ajara A.; Ogle, Jonathan; Whittaker-Brooks, Luisa. Catalytic growth of vertically aligned SnS/SnS2 p-n heterojunctions, MATERIALS RESEARCH EXPRESS, (4) 9, 094002, doi:10.1088/2053-1591/aa8a37, SEP 2017 Instrument:
- Dehmel, Raphael; Dolan, James A.; Gu, Yibei; Wiesner, Ulrich; Wilkinson, Timothy D.; Baumberg, Jeremy J.; Steiner, Ullrich; Wilts, Bodo D.; Gunkel, Ilja Optical Imaging of Large Gyroid Grains in Block Copolymer Templates by Confined Crystallization MACROMOLECULES, (50) 16, 6255-6262, doi:10.1021/acs.macromol.7b01528, AUG 22 2017, Instrument: D1
- Derrien TLF, "The Dynamics of DNA-Capped Gold Nanoparticle Superlattice Assembly in Electrolyte Solutions," Ph.D. Thesis, Cornell University, Advisor: Dan Lou (2017).
- Dey S, Yu K, Consiglio S, Tapily K, Hakamata T, Wajda CS, Leusink GJ, Jordan-Sweet J, Lavoie C, Muir D, Moreno B, Diebold AC, "Atomic layer deposited ultra-thin metal nitride barrier layers for ruthenium interconnect applications," Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces, and Films 35(3), 03E109 (1-8) (2017).
- Du, Jia; Fortney, Andria; Washington, Katherine E.; Biewer, Michael C.; Kowalewski, Tomasz; Stefan, Mihaela C. Benzo[1,2-b:4,5-b '] difuran and furan substituted diketopyrrolopyrrole alternating copolymer for organic photovoltaics with high fill factor, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A, (5)30, 15591-15600, doi:10.1039/c7ta04618a AUG 14, 2017, Instrument: D1
- Elbakhshwan MS, Gill SK, Rumaiz AK, Bai J, Ghose S., Rebak RB, Ecker LE, “High-temperature oxidation of advanced FeCrNi alloy in steam environments,” APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, DEC 31 2017 Instrument: F3
- Evans TM, "Evaluation of Lamprey Populations with Natural and Artificial Tags to Understand the Evolution of Lamprey Life Histories," Ph.D. Thesis, Cornell University, Advisor: Karin Limburg (2017).
- Favero PA, Mass J, Delaney JK, Woll AR, Hull AM, Dooley KA, Finnefrock AC, "Reflectance imaging spectrosocpy and synchrotron radiation x-ray fluorescence mapping used in a technical study of The Blue Room by Pablo Picasso," Heritage Science 5(13) (2017).
- Fenwick MK, Almabruk KH, Ealick SE, Begley TP, Philmus B, “Biochemical Characterization and Structural Basis of Reactivity and Regioselectivity Differences between Burkholderia thailandensis and Burkholderia glumae 1,6 Didesmethyltoxoflavin N-Methyltransferase,” BIOCHEMISTRY, 56, 30, 3934-3944, 2017. Instrument: A1, F1. DOI: 10.1021/acs.biochem.7b00476
- Foley BJ, Girard J, Sorenson BA, Chen AZ, Niezgoda JS, Alpert MR, Harper AF, Smilgies DM, Clancy P, Saidi WA, Choi JJ, "Controlling nucleation, growth, and orientation of metal halide perovskite thin films with rationally selected additives," Journal of Materials Chemistry A 5(1), 113-123 (2017).
- Gao J, "Rheology and microstructure of stable concentrated ionic liquid colloidal suspensions," Ph.D. Thesis, University of Delaware, Advisor: Norm Wagner (2017).
- Gao P, Metz P, Hey T, Gong Y, Liu D, Edwards DD, Howe JY, Huang R, Misture ST, "The critical role of point defects in improving the specific capacitance of δ-MnO2 nanosheets," Nature Communications 8, (2017).
- Guillaussier A, Yu YX, Voggu VR, Aigner W, Cabezas CS, Houck DW, Shah T., Smilgies DM, Pereira RN, Stutzmann M, Korgel BA, “Silicon Nanocrystal Superlattice Nucleation and Growth,” LANGMUIR, NOV 14 2017 Instrument: D1
- Guo, Jianqiu; Yang, Yu; Raghothamachar, Balaji; Dudley, Michael; Stoupin, Stanislav, “Mapping of Lattice Strain in 4H-SiC Crystals by Synchrotron Double-Crystal X-ray Topography,” JOURNAL OF ELECTRONIC MATERIALS, CHESS Annual Report | Page 158 (47)2, 903-909, doi: 10.1007/s11664-017-5789-x, FEB 2018, 59th Electronic Materials Conference (EMC), JUN 28-30 2017, Univ Notre Dame, South Bend, IN Instrument: C1
- Gupta, Kushol; Sharp, Robert; Yuan, Jimmy B.; Li, Huiguang; Van Duyne, Gregory D. Coiled-coil interactions mediate serine integrase directionality NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH, (45)12, 7339-7353, doi:10.1093/nar/gkx474, JUL 7 2017, Instrument: G1
- Guzman CX , "Extended Charge Carrier Lifetimes in Hierarchical Donoracceptor Supramolecular Polymer Films," Ph.D. Thesis, University of Miami, Advisor: Francisco M. Raymo (2017).
- Hailey AK, "Engineering materials properties and process technologies for electronic and energy applications," Ph.D. Thesis, Princeton University, Advisor: Yueh-Lin Loo (2017).
- Hailey AK, Petty AJ, Washbourne J, Thorley KJ, Parkin SR, Anthony JE, Loo YL, "Understanding the Crystal Packing and Organic Thin-Film Transistor Performance in Isomeric Guest-Host Systems," Advanced Materials 29(23), (2017).
- Hettle A., Fillo A., Abe K., Massel P., Pluvinage B., Langelaan D.N., Smith S.P. and Boraston A.B. "Properties of a family 56 carbohydrate-binding module and its role in the recognition and hydrolysis of ß-1,3-glucan". JBC, doi: 10.1074/jbc.M117.806711, 2017 Instrument: G1
- Hiszpanski AM, Woll AR, Kim B, Nuckolls C, Loo YL, "Altering the Polymorphic Accessibility of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons with Fluorination," Chemistry of Materials 29(10), 4311-4316 (2017).
- Hopkins. J.B., Gillilan, R.E., Skou, S. "BioXTAS RAW: improvements to a free open-source program for small-angle X-ray scattering data reduction and analysis." J. Appl. Cryst. , 50, 2017. Instrument: G1
- Hsieh CL, Ptak CP, Tseng A, Suguiura IMS, McDonough SP, Sritrakul T, Li T, Lin YP, Gillilan RE, Oswald RE, Chang YF, “Extended low-resolution structure of a Leptospira antigen offers high bactericidal antibody accessibility amenable to vaccine design.,” ELIFE, DEC 06 2017 Instrument: G1
- Huang R, Limburg K, Rohtla M, "Quantitative X-ray fluorescence computed tomography for low-Z samples using an iterative absorption correction algorithm," American Institute of Physics 7(5), (2017).
- Hurley AI, "Natural and Synthetic Regulation of V. cholerae Quorum Sensing," Ph.D. Thesis, Princeton University, Advisor: Bonnie Bassler (2017).
- Hynynen, Jonna; Kiefer, David; Yu, Liyang; Kroon, Renee; Munir, Rahim; Amassian, Aram; Kemerink, Martijn; Mueller, Christian, Enhanced Electrical Conductivity of Molecularly p-Doped Poly(3-hexylthiophene) through Understanding the Correlation with Solid-State Order, MACROMOLECULES, (50) 20, 8140-8148, doi:10.1021/acs.macromol.7b00968 OCT 24 2017, Instrument: D1
- Jacobs AG, "Laser-induced sub-millisecond structural formation kinetics in block copolymers," Ph.D. Thesis, Cornell University, Advisor: Michael O. Thompson (2017).
- Jayanthi S, Koppolu BP, Nguyen KG, Smith SG, Felber BK, Kumar TKS, Zaharoff DA, “Modulation of Interleukin12 activity in the presence of heparin,” SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, JUL 13 2017
- Jeong H, "Study of Polymer Crystallization by Physical Vapor Deposition," Ph.D. Thesis, Princeton University, Advisor: Rodney D. Priestley, Craig B. Arnold (2017).
- Jiang, Jing; Jacobs, Alan G.; Wenning, Brandon; Liedel, Clemens; Thompson, Michael O.; Ober, Christopher K. Ultrafast Self-Assembly of Sub-10 nm Block Copolymer Nanostructures by Solvent-Free High-Temperature Laser Annealing, AC S APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES, (9)37, 31317-31324, doi:10.1021/acsami.7b00774 SEP 20 2017, Instrument: D1
- Jianqiu G, Yang Y, Raghothamachar B, Dudley M, Stoupin S, “Mapping of Lattice Strain in 4H-SiC Crystals by Synchrotron Double-Crystal X-ray Topography,” JOURNAL OF ELECTRONIC MATERIALS, SEPT 20 2017 Instrument: C1
- Joress, Howie; Fontes, Ernest, The 2017 CHESS Annual User Meeting POWDER DIFFRACTION, (32)4, 297-298 doi:10.1017/S0885715617001063 DEC 2017, Instrument: N/A
- Juul NY, Oddershede J, Beaudoin A, Chatterjee K, Koker MKA, Dale D, SHadeP, Winther G, “Measured resolved shear stresses and Bishop-Hill stress states in individual grains of austenitic stainless steel,” ACTA MATERIALIA, SEP 13 2017 Instrument: F2
- Kasemer, Matthew; Echlin, McLean P.; Stinville, Jean Charles; Pollock, Tresa M.; Dawson, Paul On slip initiation in equiaxed alpha/beta Ti-6Al-4V, ACTA MATERIALIA, (136), 288-302, doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2017.06.059, SEP 1 2017, Instrument: F2
- Khim D, Lin YH, Nam S, Faber H, Tetzner K, Li R, Zhang Q, Li J, Zhang X, Anthopoulos TD, "Modulation-Doped In2O3/ZnO Heterojunction Transistors Processed from Solution," Advanced Materials 29(19), (2017).
- Khlyabich, Petr P.; Sezen-Edmonds, Melda; Howard, Jenna B.; Thompson, Barry C.; Loo, Yueh-Lin Formation of Organic Alloys in Ternary-Blend Solar Cells with Two Acceptors Having Energy Level Offsets Exceeding 0.4 eV, ACS ENERGY LETTERS, (2) 9, 2149-2156, doi:10.1021/acsenergylett.7b00620, SEP 2017, Instrument: G2
- Kizzire, Dayton G.; Dey, Sonal; Mayanovic, Robert A.; Sakidja, Ridwan; Landskron, Kai; Mandal, Manik; Wang, Zhongwu; Benamara, Mourad, Studies of the mechanical and extreme hydrothermal properties of periodic mesoporous silica and aluminosilica materials, MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS, (252), 69-78, doi:10.1016/j.micromeso.2017.06.016 NOV 1 2017, Instrument: B1
- Kogar A, de la Pena GA, Lee S, Fang Y, Sun SX, Lioi DB, Karapetrov G, Finkelstein KD, Ruff JP, Abbamonte P, Rosenkranz S, "Observation of a Charge Density Wave Incommensuration Near the Superconducting Dome in CuxTiSe2," Physical Review Letters 118(2), (2017).
- Kopec M, Yuan R, Gottlieb E, Abreu C, Song Y, Wang Z, Coelho J, Matyjaszewski K, Kowalewski T, "Polyacrylonitrile-b-poly(butyl acrylate) Block Copolymers as Precursors to Mesoporous Nitrogen-Doped Carbons: Synthesis and Nanostructure," Macromolecules 50(7), 2759-2767 (2017).
- Kozen, Alexander C.; Joress, Howie; Currie, Marc; Anderson, Virginia R.; Eddy, Charles R., Jr.; Wheeler, Virginia D. Structural Characterization of Atomic Layer Deposited Vanadium Dioxide JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C , (121) 35, 19341-19347, doi:10.1021/acs.jpcc.7b04682 SEP 7 2017, Instrument: G3
- Kumar RK, Chu HH, Abundis C, Vasques K, Rodriguez DC, Chia JC, Huang R, Vatamaniuk OK, Walker EL, “IronNicotianamine Transporters Are Required for Proper Long Distance Iron Signaling,” PLANT PHYSIOLOGY, NOV 01 20117 Instrument: F3
- Lamport, Zachary; Li RP; Wang, C; Mitchell, W; Sparrowe, D; Smilgies, DM; Day, C; Coropceanu, V; Jurchescu, OD, “Organic thin films with charge-carrier mobility exceeding that of single crystals,” JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C, OCT 21 2017 Instrument: D1
- Lan TY, Wierman JL, Tate MW, Philipp HT, Elser V, Gruner SM, "Reconstructing three-dimensional protein crystal intensities from sparse unoriented two-axis X-ray diffraction patterns," Journal of Applied Crystallography 50(4), 985-993 (2017), Instrument: G3
- Leamy K.A., Yennawar N.H., and Bevilacqua P.C. "Cooperative RNA Folding under Cellular Conditions Arises From Both Tertiary Structure Stabilization and Secondary Structure Destabilization". Biochemistry, 2017, 56 (27), 3422–3433, DOI: 10.1021/acs.biochem.7b00325, 2017. Instrument: G1
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- Li B, Bian K, Lane JM, Salerno KM, Grest GS, Ao T, Hickman R, Wise J, Wang Z, Fan H, "Superfast assembly and synthesis of gold nanostructures using nanosecond low-temperature compression via magnetic pulsed power," Nature Communications 8(14778), (2017).
- Li B, Bian K, Zhou X, Lu P, Liu S, Brener I, Sinclair M, Luk T, Schunk H, Alarid L, Clem PG, Wang Z, Fan H, "Pressure compression of CdSe nanoparticles into luminescent nanowires," Science Advances 3(5), (2017).
- Liu JP, Kirchhoff J, Zhou L, Zhao M, Grapes MD, Dale DS, Tate MD, Philipp HT, Gruner SM, Weihs TP, Hufnagel TC, "X-ray reflectivity measurement of interdiffusion in metallic multilayers during rapid heating," Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 24(4), 796-801 (2017), Instrument: A2
- Lynch M.J., Levenson R., Kim E.A., Sircar R., Blair D.F., Dahlquist F.W., Crane B.R. "Co-Folding of a FliF-FliG Split Domain Forms the Basis of the MS:C Ring Interface within the Bacterial Flagellar MotorOriginal". Structure, v. 25, (2), 317-328, 2017. Instrument: G1
- Mach JC, Budrow CJ, Pagan DC, Ruff JPC, Park J-S, Okasinski J, Beaudoin AJ, Miller MP, "Validating a Model for Welding Induced Residual Stress Using High-Energy X-ray Diffraction," The Journal of The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society 69(5), 893-899 (2017).
- Maffioli SA. Zhang Y., Degen D., Carzaniga T. Del Gatto G., Serina S., Monciardini P,. Mazzetti C., Guglierame P., Candiani G., Chiriac A.I., Facchetti G., Kaltofen P., Sah H-G., Dehò G., Donadio S., Ebright R.H. "Antibacterial "Nucleoside-Analog Inhibitor of Bacterial RNA Polymerase". Cell, V. 169, Issue 7, 1240-1248, e23, 2017. Instrument: G1
- Malhotra K., Modak A., Nangia S., Daman T.H., Gunse U., Robinson V.L., Mokranjac D., May E.R. and Alder N.N. "Cardiolipin mediates membrane and channel interactions of the mitochondrial TIM23 protein import complex receptor Tim50". Science Advances, Vol. 3, no. 9, e1700532, DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.1700532, 2017. Instrument: G1
- Mao, Yimin; Bleuel, Markus; Lyu, Yadong; Zhang, Xin; Henderson, Doug; Wang, Howard; Briber, Robert M., “Phase Separation and Stack Alignment in Aqueous Cellulose Nanocrystal Suspension under Weak Magnetic Field”, LANGMUIR, (34)27, 8042-8051, doi:10.1021/acs.langmuir.8b01452, JUL 10 2018 Instrument: A1
- Masi, Sofia; Rizzo, Aurora; Munir, Rahim; Listorti, Andrea; Giuri, Antonella; Corcione, Carola Esposito; Treat, Neil D.; Gigli, Giuseppe; Amassian, Aram; Stingelin, Natalie; Colella, Silvia Organic Gelators as Growth Control Agents for Stable and Reproducible Hybrid Perovskite-Based Solar Cells ADVANCED ENERGY MATERIALS, (7)14, 1602600, doi:10.1002/aenm.201602600, JUL 19 2017, Instrument: D1
- Matsidik, Rukiya; Luzio, Alessandro; Askin, Ozge; Fazzi, Daniele; Sepe, Alessandro; Steiner, Ulirich; Komber, Hartmut; Caironi, Mario; Sommer, Michael Highly Planarized Naphthalene Diimide-Bifuran Copolymers with Unexpected Charge Transport Performance CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS, (29)13, 5473-5483, doi:10.1021/acs.chemmater.6b05313 JUL 11 2017, Instrument: D1
- Meisburger SP, Ando N, "Correlated Motions from Crystallography beyond Diffraction," Accounts of Chemical Research 50(3), 580-583 (2017).
- Meng, H.; Palasyuk, T.; Drozd, V.; Tkacz, M. Study of phase stability and isotope effect in dysprosium trihydride at high pressure JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS, (722), 946-952, doi:10.1016/j.jallcom.2017.06.181, OCT 25 2017, Instrument: B1
- Mizrachi, Dario; Robinson, Michael-Paul; Ren, Guoping; Ke, Na; Berkmen, Mehmet; DeLisa, Matthew P. A water-soluble DsbB variant that catalyzes disulfide-bond formation in vivo NATURE CHEMICAL BIOLOGY, (13) 9, 1022 +, doi:10.1038/NCHEMBIO.2409 SEP 2017, Instrument: G1
- Munir R, Sheikh AD, Abdelsamie M, Hu H, Yu L, Zhao K, Kim T, Tall OE, Li R, Smilgies DM, Amassian A, "Hybrid Perovskite Thin-Film Photovoltaics: In Situ Diagnostics and Importance of the Precursor Solvate Phases," Advanced Materials 29(2), 1604113 (1-9) (2017).
- Muñoz-Escobar J., Matta-Camacho E., Cho C, Kozlov G., Gehring K. "Bound Waters Mediate Binding of Diverse Substrates to a Ubiquitin Ligase". Structure, v. 25, 5, 719–729, e3. 2017. Instrument: F1
- Murakami K.S., Shin, Y., Turnbough C.L., Jr., and Molodtsov V. "X-ray crystal structure of a reiterative transcription complex reveals an atypical RNA extension pathway." PNAS U S A 114, 8211-8216, 2017. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1702741114 Instrument: F1
- Nagaoka Y, Hills-Kimball K, Tan R, Li R, Wang Z, Chen O, "Nanocube Superlattices of Cesium Lead Bromide Perovskites and Pressure-Induced Phase Transformations at Atomic and Mesoscale Levels," Advanced Materials 29(18), (2017).
- Nahm RK, Bullen HJ, Suh T, Engstrom JR, "Faster Is Smoother and So Is Lower Temperature: The Curious Case of Thin Film Growth of Tetracene on SiO2," The Journal of Physical Chemistry 121(15), 8464-8472 (2017).
- Nepal N, Anderson V, Johnson SD, Downey BP, DeMasi A, Robinson ZR, Ludwig K, Eddy Jr. CR, "Real-time growth study of plasma assisted atomic layer epitaxy of InN films by synchrotron x-ray methods," Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A: Vaccum, Surfaces, and Films 35(3), (2017).
- Nevers, Douglas R.; Williamson, Curtis B.; Savitzky, Benjamin H.; Hadar, Ido; Banin, Uri; Kourkoutis, Lena F.; Hanrath, Tobias; Robinson, Richard D., “Mesophase Formation Stabilizes High-Purity Magic-Sized Clusters”, JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, (140)10, 3652-3662, doi:10.1021/jacs.7b12175, MAR 14 2018 Instrument: A1
- Ngongang Ndjawa GO, Graham KR, Mollinger S, Wu DM, Hanifi D, Prasanna R, Rose BD, Dey S, Yu L, Bredas J, McGehee MD, Salleo A, Amassian A, "Open-Circuit Voltage in Organic Solar Cells: The Impacts of Donor Semicrystallinity and Coexistence of Multiple Interfacial Charge-Transfer Bands," Advanced Energy Materials 7(12), 1601995 (1-10) (2017).
- O'Donnell, John P.; Cooley, Richard B.; Kelly, Carolyn M.; Miller, Kurt; Andersen, Olaf S.; Rusinova, Radda; Sondermann, Holger, Timing and Reset Mechanism of GTP Hydrolysis-Driven Conformational Changes of Atlastin, STRUCTURE, (25)7, 997 +. Doi:10.1016/j.str.2017.05.007 JUL 5 2017, Instrument: G1
- Oleske KW, Barteau KP, Beaucage PA, Asenath-Smith E, Wiesner U, Estroff LA, “Nanopatterning of Crystalline Transition Metal Oxides by Surface Templated Nucleation on Block Copolymer Mesostructures,” CRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN, OCT 10 2017 Instrument: G1
- Oudouhou F, Casu B, Dopgwa Puemi AS, Sygusch J, Baron C, "Analysis of Novel Interactions between Components of the Selenocysteine Biosynthesis Pathway, SEPHS1, SEPHS2, SEPSECS, and SECp43," Biochemistry 56(17), 2261-2270 (2017).
- Park, Won Min; Bedewy, Mostafa; Berggren, Karl K.; Keating, Amy E. Modular assembly of a protein nanotriangle using orthogonally interacting coiled coils SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 7 10577 10.1038/s41598-017-10918-6 SEP 5 2017, Instrument: G1
- Parker JA, "The most oncogenic Ras isoform: Specific insights into K-Ras structure, dimerization, and targeting," Ph.D. Thesis, Northeastern University, Advisor: Carla Mattos (2017).
- Pensack, Ryan D.; Grieco, Christopher; Purdum, Geoffrey E.; Mazza, Samuel M.; Tilley, Andrew J.; Ostroumov, Evgeny E.; Seferos, Dwight S.; Loo, Yueh-Lin; Asbury, John B.; Anthony, John E.; Scholes, Gregory D., Solution-processable, crystalline material for quantitative singlet fission, MATERIALS HORIZONS, (4) 5, 915-923, doi:10.1039/c7mh00303j, SEP 1 2017, Instrument
Ph.D. Theses
- Plumridge A, Meisburger SP, Andresen K, Pollack L, "The impact of base stacking on the conformations and electrostatics of single-stranded DNA," Nucleic Acids Research 45(7), 3932-3943 (2017).
- Pouyet E, Devine S, Grafakos T, Kieckhefer R, Salvant J, Smieska L, Woll A, Katsaggelos A, Cossairt O, Walton M, "Revealing the biography of a hidden medieval manuscript using synchrotron and conventional imaging techniques," Analytica Chimica Acta 982, 20-30 (2017).
- Rees JA, Bjornsson R, Kowalska JK, Lima FA, Schlesier J, Sippel D, Weyhermüller T, Einsle O, Kovacs JA, DeBeer S, "Comparative electronic structures of nitrogenase FeMoco and FeVco," Dalton Transactions 46(8), 2445-2455 (2017).
- Rees JA, Wandzilak, Maganas D, Wurster NI, Hugenbruch S, Kowalska JK, Pollock CJ, Lima FA, Finkelstein KD, DeBeer S., “Experimental and theoretical correlations between vanadiumK-edge X-ray absorption and Kβ emission spectra,” JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL INORGANIC CHEMISTRY, 21(), 739-805, JUN 01 2017 Instrument: C1
- Rhodes, D.; Schonemann, R.; Aryal, N.; Zhou, Q.; Zhang, Q. R.; Kampert, E.; Chiu, Y. -C.; Lai, Y.; Shimura, Y.; McCandless, G. T.; Chan, J. Y.; Paley, D. W.; Lee, J.; Finke, A. D.; Ruff, J. P. C.; Das, S.; Manousakis, E.; Balicas, L. Bulk Fermi surface of the Weyl type-II semimetallic candidate gamma-MoTe2, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, (96)16, 165134, doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.96.165134, OCT 17 2017, Instrument: A
- Sankhala RS, Lokareddy RK, Begum S, Pumroy RA, Gillilan RE, Cingolani G, “Three-dimensional context rather than NLS amino acid sequence determines importin α subtype specificity for RCC1,” NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, OCT 17 2017
- Sen MK, "Adsorbed Polymer Nanolayers on Solids: Mechanism, Structure and Applications," Ph.D. Thesis, State University of New York at Stony Brook, Advisor: Tadanori Koga (2017).
- Seung-Ho Y, Huang X, Schwarz K, Huang R, Arias TA, Brock J, Abruna H, “Direct visualization of sulfur cathodes: new insights into Li–S batteries via operando X-ray based methods,” ENERGY & ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE, DEC 17 2017 Instrument: A1
- Sezen-Edmonds M, Khlyabich PP, Loo YL, "Tuning the Magnitude and the Polarity of the Piezoresistive Response of Polyaniline through Structural Control," ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 9(14), 12766-12772 (2017).
- Sheikh, Arif D.; Munk, Rahim; Hague, Md Azimul; Bera, Ashok; Hu, Weijin; Shaikh, Parvez; Arriassian, Aram; Wu, Tom Effects of High Temperature and Thermal Cycling on the Performance of Perovskite Solar Cells: Acceleration of Charge Recombination and Deterioration of Charge Extraction ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES, (9)40, 35018-35029, doi: 10.1021/acsami.7b11250, OCT 11 2017, Instrument: D1
- Singh MA, Saimoto S, Langille MR, Levesque J, Inal K, Woll AR, "Small-angle X-ray scattering investigation of deformation-induced nanovoids in AA6063 aluminium alloy," Philosophical Magazine 97(28), 2496-2513 (2017).
- Smieska LM, Mullett R, Ferri L, Woll AR, "Trace elements in natural azurite pigments found in illuminated manuscript leaves investigated by synchrotron x-ray fluorescence and diffraction mapping," Applied Physics A 123(484) (2017), Instrument: A2
- Smilgies, Detlef-M.; Hanrath, Tobias Superlattice self-assembly: Watching nanocrystals in action, EPL, (119)2, 28003, doi:10.1209/0295-5075/119/28003 JUL 2017, Instrument: D1
- Smith BJ, Parent LR, Overholts AC, Beaucage PA, Bisbey RP, Chavez AD, Hwang N, Park C, Evans AM, Gianneschi NC, Dichtel WR, "Colloidal Covalent Organic Frameworks," ACS Central Science 3(1), 58-65 (2017).
- Stromberg JM, Barr E, VanLoon LL, Banerjee NR, "Fingerprinting Early Gold Mineralization in the Timmins Gold Camp: Trace Element and Isotope Geochemistry of the Dome Ankerite Veins," Presentation at Mineral Exploration Roundup (2017).
- Stromberg JM, Barr E, VanLoon LL, Banerjee NR, "Fingerprinting Multi-Stage Gold Mineralization at the Dome Mine," Presentation at PDAC-SEG Student Minerals Colloquium (2017).
- Sukomon N, "Signal transduction mechanisms of HAMP and PAS domains in bacterial chemotaxis," Ph.D. Thesis, Cornell University, Advisor: Brian R. Crane (2017).
- Sun, Yao; Ma, Kai; Kao, Teresa; Spoth, Katherine A.; Sai, Hiroaki; Zhang, Duhan; Kourkoutis, Lena F.; Elser, Veit; Wiesner, Ulrich, Formation pathways of mesoporous silica nanoparticles with dodecagonal tiling, NATURE COMMUNICATIONS,(8), 252, doi:10.1038/s41467-017-00351-8 AUG 15 2017, Instrument: G1
- Terban MW, Shi C, Silbernagel R, Clearfield A, Billinge SJL, “Local Environment of Terbium(III) Ions in Layered Nanocrystalline Zirconium(IV) Phosphonate-Phosphate Ion Exchange Materials.,” INORGANIC CHEMISTRY, AUG 07 2017 Instrument: F2
- Tian D, Battles MB, Moin SM, Chen M, Modjarrad K, Kumar A, Kanekiyo M, Graepel KW, Taher NM, Hotard AL, Moore ML, Zhao M, Zheng ZZ, Xia NS, McLellan JS, Graham BS, “Structural basis of respiratory syncytial virus subtype-dependent neutralization by an antibody targeting the fusion glycoprotein,” NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, NOV 30 2017 Instrument: A1
- Ugur, Esma; Sheikh, Arif D.; Munir, Rahim; Khan, Jafar I.; Barrit, Dounya; Arnassian, Aram; Laquai, Frederic Improved Morphology and Efficiency of n-i-p Planar Perovskite Solar Cells by Processing with Glycol Ether Additives, ACS ENERGY LETTERS, (2)9, 1960-1968, doi: 10.1021/acsenergylett.7b00526, SEP 2017, Instrument: D1
- Ultsch, M.; Braisted, A.; Maun, H. R.; Eigenbrot, C. 3-2-1: Structural insights from stepwise shrinkage of a three-helix Fc-binding domain to a single helix PROTEIN ENGINEERING DESIGN & SELECTION, (30)9, 619-625, doi:10.1093/protein/gzx029, SEP 2017. Antibody Engineering and Therapeutics Congress DEC 11-15, 2017 San Diego, CA, Instrument:
- Uzun S, "In-situ synchrotron x-ray and micro-computed tomography of nonwoven aramids: Deformation mechanisms," Ph.D. Thesis, Cornell University, Advisor: Juan Hinestroza, Meredith N. Silberstein (2017).
- Wang D, Kou R, Ren Y, Sun CJ, Zhao H, Zhang MJ, Li Y, Huq A, Ko JYP, Pan F, Sun YK, Yang Y, Amine K, Bai J, Chen Z, Wang F, “Synthetic Control of Kinetic Reaction Pathway and Cationic Ordering in High-Ni Layered Oxide Cathodes,” ADVANCED MATERIALS, AUG 29 2017
- Wang, Zhongwu; Bian, Kaifu; Nagaoka, Yasutaka; Fan, Hongyou; Cao, Y. Charles, Regulating Multiple Variables To Understand the Nucleation and Growth and Transformation of PbS Nanocrystal Superlattices, JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, (139)41, 14476- 14482, doi:10.1021/jacs.7b06908 OCT 18 2017, Instrument: B1
- Warkentin MA, Atakisi H, Hopkins JB, Walko D, Thorne RE, “Lifetimes and spatio-temporal response of protein crystals in intense X-ray microbeams,” IUCrJ, OCT 13 2017 Instrument: G1
- Wierman JL, "Exploration of methods for serial microcrystallography at storage ring x-ray sources," Ph.D. Thesis, Cornell University, Advisor: Sol Gruner (2017).
- Xiao, Yibei; Ng, Sherwin; Nam, Ki Hyun; Ke, Ailong How type II CRISPR-Cas establish immunity through Cas1-Cas2-mediated spacer integration NATURE, (550)7674, 137 +, doi:10.1038/nature24020, OCT 5 2017, Instrument F1
- Yan JP, Chia JC, Sheng HJ, Jung HI, Zacodna TO, Zhang L, Huang R, Jiao C, Craft EJ, Fei ZJ, Kochian LV, Vatamaniuk OK, “Arabidopsis Pollen Fertility Requires the Transcription Factors CITF1 and SPL7 That Regulate Copper Delivery to Anthers and Jasmonic Acid Synthesis,” PLANT CELL, NOV 11 2017 Instrument: F3
- Yang Y, Rice B, Shi X, Brandt JR, Correa da Costa R, Hedley GJ, Smilgies DM, Frost JM, Samuel IDW, Otero-de-laRoza A, Johnson ER, Jelfs KE, Nelson J, Campbell AJ, Fuchter MJ, “Emergent Properties of an Organic Semiconductor Driven by its Molecular Chirality,” ACS NANO, JUL 19 2017 Instrument: D1
- Yang Y, Rice B, Shi X, Brandt JR, Correa da Costa R, Hedley GJ, Smilgies DM, Frost JM, Samuel IDW, Otero-de-la-Roza A, Johnson ER, Jelfs KE, Nelson J, Campbell AJ, Fuchter MJ, "Emergent Properties of an Organic Semiconductor Driven by its Molecular Chirality," ACS Nano 11, 8329-8338 (2017).
- Yang, Yu; Guo, Jianqiu; Raghothamachar, Balaji; Chan, Xiaojun; Kim, Taejin; Dudley, Michael, “Characterization of Strain Due to Nitrogen Doping Concentration Variations in Heavy Doped 4H-SiC,” JOURNAL OF ELECTRONIC MATERIALS, (47)2, 938-943, doi:10.1007/s11664-017-5846-5, FEB 2018. 59th Electronic Materials Conference (EMC), JUN 28-30 2017, Univ Notre Dame, South Bend, IN Instrument: C1
- Yu L, Niazi MR, Ngongang Ndjawa GO, Li R, Kirmani AR, Munir R, Balawi AH, Laquai F, Amassian A, "Programmable and coherent crystallization of semiconductors," Science Advances 3(3), (2017).
- Yu, Liyang; Davidson, Emily; Sharma, Anirudh; Andersson, Mats R.; Segalman, Rachel; Mueller, Christian Isothermal Crystallization Kinetics and Time-Temperature-Transformation of the Conjugated Polymer: Poly(3-(2 '-ethyl)hexylthiophene), CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS, (29)13, 5654-5662, doi:10.1021/acs.chemmater.7b01393 JUL 11 2017, Instrument: D1
- Yu, Yixuan; Fan, Gan; Fermi, Andrea; Mazzaro, Raffaello; Morandi, Vittorio; Ceroni, Paola; Smilgies, Detlef-M.; Korgel, Brian A., Size-Dependent Photoluminescence Efficiency of Silicon Nanocrystal Quantum Dots, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C, (121)41, 23240- 23248, doi:10.1021/acs.jpcc.7b08054, OCT 19 2017, Instrument: D1
- Yu, Yixuan; Guillaussier, Adrien; Voggu, Vikas Reddy; Houck, Daniel W.; Smilgies, Detlef-M.; Korgel, Brian A. Bubble Assemblies of Nanocrystals: Superlattices without a Substrate JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS, (8)19, 4865-4871, doi:10.1021/acs.jpclett.7601595, OCT 5 2017, Instrument D1
- Zhang FX, Zhao S, Jin K, Xue H, Velisa G, Bei H, Huang R, Ko JYP, Pagan DC, Neuefeind JC, Weber WJ, Zhang Y, "Local Structure and Short-Range Order in a NiCoCr Solid Solution Alloy," Physical Review Letters 118(20), 205501 (2017).
- Zhang J, Zhu J, Li R, Fang J, Wang Z, "Entropy-Driven Pt3Co Nanocube Assembles and Thermally Mediated Electrical Conductivity with Anisotropic Variation of the Rhombohedral Superlattice," Nano Letters 17(1), 362-367 (2017).
- Zhang X, Ren X, Liu B, Munir R, Zhu X, Yang D, Li J, Liu Y, Smilgies D, Li R, Yang Z, Niu T, Wang X, Amassian A, Zhao K, Liu S, "Stable High Efficiency Two-Dimensional Perovskite Solar Cells via Cesium Doping," Energy & Environmental Science (2017).
- Zhong Y, "Contorted Organic Semiconductors for Molecular Electronics," Ph.D. Thesis, Columbia University, Advisor: Colin Nuckolls (2017).
- Zhu H, Nagaoka Y, Hills-Kimball K, Tan R, Yu L, Fang Y, Wang K, Li R, Wang Z, Chen O, "Pressure-Enabled Synthesis of Hetero-Dimers and Hetero-Rods through Intraparticle Coalescence and Interparticle Fusion of Quantum-Dot-Au Satellite Nanocrystals," Journal of the American Chemical Society 139(25), 8408-8411 (2017).
Conference Proceedings
- Breil N, Carr A, Kuratomi T, Lavoie C, Chen IC, Stolfi M, Chiu KD, Wang W, Van Meer H, Sharma S, Hung R, Gelatos A, Jordan-Sweet J, Levrau E, Loubet N, Chao R, Ye J, Ozcan A, Surisetty C, Chudzik M, "Highly-selective superconformal CVD Ti silicide process enabling area-enhanced contacts for next-generation CMOS architectures," 2017 Symposium on VLSI Technology Digest of Technical Papers (2017).
- Stromberg JM, Barr E, VanLoon LL, Banerjee NR, "Fingerprinting Multi-Stage Gold Mineralization at the Dome Mine," Presentation at PDAC-SEG Student Minerals Colloquium (2017).
- Stromberg JM, Barr E, VanLoon LL, Banerjee NR, "Fingerprinting Early Gold Mineralization in the Timmins Gold Camp: Trace Element and Isotope Geochemistry of the Dome Ankerite Veins," Presentation at Mineral Exploration Roundup (2017).
Ph.D. Theses
- Boyaci Selcuk H, "Structural and functional studies of the regulation and inhibition of LuxO, a AAA+ ATPase," Ph.D. Thesis, Cornell University, Advisor: Fred Hughson (2017).
- Burganov B, "Angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy of epitaxially strained ruthenates," Ph.D. Thesis, Cornell University, Advisor: Kyle M. Shen (2017).
- Derrien TLF, "The Dynamics of DNA-Capped Gold Nanoparticle Superlattice Assembly in Electrolyte Solutions," Ph.D. Thesis, Cornell University, Advisor: Dan Lou (2017).
- Evans TM, "Evaluation of Lamprey Populations with Natural and Artificial Tags to Understand the Evolution of Lamprey Life Histories," Ph.D. Thesis, Cornell University, Advisor: Karin Limburg (2017).
- Gao J, "Rheology and microstructure of stable concentrated ionic liquid colloidal suspensions," Ph.D. Thesis, University of Delaware, Advisor: Norm Wagner (2017).
- Guzman CX , "Extended Charge Carrier Lifetimes in Hierarchical Donoracceptor Supramolecular Polymer Films," Ph.D. Thesis, University of Miami, Advisor: Francisco M. Raymo (2017).
- Hailey AK, "Engineering materials properties and process technologies for electronic and energy applications," Ph.D. Thesis, Princeton University, Advisor: Yueh-Lin Loo (2017).
- Hurley AI, "Natural and Synthetic Regulation of V. cholerae Quorum Sensing," Ph.D. Thesis, Princeton University, Advisor: Bonnie Bassler (2017).
- Jacobs AG, "Laser-induced sub-millisecond structural formation kinetics in block copolymers," Ph.D. Thesis, Cornell University, Advisor: Michael O. Thompson (2017).
- Jeong H, "Study of Polymer Crystallization by Physical Vapor Deposition," Ph.D. Thesis, Princeton University, Advisor: Rodney D. Priestley, Craig B. Arnold (2017).
- Parker JA, "The most oncogenic Ras isoform: Specific insights into K-Ras structure, dimerization, and targeting," Ph.D. Thesis, Northeastern University, Advisor: Carla Mattos (2017).
- Sen MK, "Adsorbed Polymer Nanolayers on Solids: Mechanism, Structure and Applications," Ph.D. Thesis, State University of New York at Stony Brook, Advisor: Tadanori Koga (2017).
- Sukomon N, "Signal transduction mechanisms of HAMP and PAS domains in bacterial chemotaxis," Ph.D. Thesis, Cornell University, Advisor: Brian R. Crane (2017).
- Uzun S, "In-situ synchrotron x-ray and micro-computed tomography of nonwoven aramids: Deformation mechanisms," Ph.D. Thesis, Cornell University, Advisor: Juan Hinestroza, Meredith N. Silberstein (2017).
- Wierman JL, "Exploration of methods for serial microcrystallography at storage ring x-ray sources," Ph.D. Thesis, Cornell University, Advisor: Sol Gruner (2017).
- Zhong Y, "Contorted Organic Semiconductors for Molecular Electronics," Ph.D. Thesis, Columbia University, Advisor: Colin Nuckolls (2017).
- Cornell University Media Relations, "Researchers unlock genetic clues to help grapes survive winter," YouTube, Web. 5 Jun 2017.
"2016 CHESS Activity Report" Jun 2017.