At CHESS, students make significant contributions to our cutting-edge research in x-ray science. We offer many opportunities for students throughout our diverse research program.
CHESS invests considerable resources into the education of graduate students, recognizing the national need to train scientists who will advance the use of x-rays in a variety of fields, as well as to train scientists who will further advance the infrastructure of U.S. synchrotron science facilities. Many synchrotron facilities involve graduate students as users, but few offer opportunities to learn what goes on upstream of the primary shielding wall. The CHESS mission goes a step beyond. Students perform research which has direct benefit to the CHESS user community. The goal is to link beamline science program and graduate students. The synchrotron serves as a science incubator by involving students at all levels, from behind the primary shielding wall, to design of the beamlines, to performance of the experiments, to analysis and presentation of the results. CHESS is the most productive training center in the U.S. for new beamline scientists who then go on to populate the scientific and administrative staff of other synchrotron facilities.