All users who come on-site must read this User Orientation and Safety Training Guide and score 100% on the In-Person User Exam that follows before any work at CHESS can begin.
CHESS serves a wide variety of experimental groups from universities, national laboratories, and industries.
In order to ensure that everyone at CHESS is familiar with our policies and safety protocols, all users who come on-site to Wilson Lab are required to review this User Orientation and Safety Training document and score 100% on a short online exam.
Wilson Lab is currently undergoing a lot of construction for facility updates and building expansions. We are doing the best we can to keep those activities separate from user and experimental areas, but there is some overlap; please excuse our dust and please pay attention to signage in the parking lots and in the building.
Stop Work Policy
In CLASSE facilities (including Wilson Lab), all individuals have the authority and obligation to stop any activity that appears to pose an immediate safety hazard. Likewise, all individuals in CLASSE facilities must cease their own work if asked to do so for safety reasons. It is also an obligation of anyone stopping work to immediately bring such conditions to the attention of the CHESS Operator and the Safety Director, and to resume work only after a satisfactory resolution is established.