This page details the information needed to ship samples or equipment to/from CHESS. Please note that we cannot adjust beam time if your materials do not arrive in time. We strongly urge you to plan your shipment to arrive at CHESS one day prior to your beam time starting.
Shipping FROM CHESS:
If you are at Wilson Lab and need to ship from CHESS, please visit the CHESS User Office or Operations Desk to request an “Outgoing Shipping” form.
Important: Do not fill out an outgoing shipping form if you have already completed the CHESS Shipping Form.
If updates need to be made to your shipping plan you may complete the CHESS Shipping Form again and contact the CHESS User Office to let them know a change has been made.
Shipping TO CHESS:
To ship your samples to CHESS, please complete the CHESS Shipping Form. A tracking number is required.
This form covers:
- Domestic and International Shipments
- Hazardous Shipments
- Return Shipments (be prepared to provide a prepaid label OR the shipping account information for your institution)
After completing the form, print the confirmation email and include it in your shipment along with any necessary return documentation to ensure prompt delivery.
Note: Shipments are received Monday - Friday, 8:00 am to 4:00 pm Eastern Standard Time. No shipments are received on weekends or holidays.
Recommendation: Do not use the US Postal Service for shipments required for your beam time. Use FedEx, UPS, or DHL instead.
For assistance, contact the CHESS User Office.
Returning Your Shipment:
To return your shipment, please provide a prepaid label or provide the following information on the CHESS Shipping Form:
- Carrier
- Shipping Type
- Account Number
- Zip Code associated with the Account Number
Refer to the guidelines below for international and hazardous shipments
General Shipping Information
CHESS Address:
CHESS/Wilson Lab
Attn: [First Name, Last Name]
161 Synchrotron Dr
Ithaca, NY 14853
607-255-2948 (or find them in the directory)
The CHESS Shipping Form will guide you in addressing your package and identifying its destination within the lab.
Required Information on the Shipping Form:
- Sender’s Information: Name, email, phone number, PI, etc.
- Beamtime Request Number (BTR): If applicable
- Beamline Associated with Shipment: Name of CHESS associate receiving the package
- Shipped Materials Information: Tracking number, weight, packaging dimensions
- Return Shipping Information: Prepaid label upload or account number and associated zip code
International Shipments:
Allow extra time for customs clearance. Use FedEx, DHL, or UPS with 2 or 3-day delivery. Provide the following for returns:
- Item Classification
- Country of Origin
- HTS Code (Tariff Code/Schedule B Number)
For assistance, contact the CHESS User Office.
Shipping Hazardous Materials, Equipment, or Dewars to CHESS:
Declare hazardous items on the CHESS Shipping Form for Safety Committee approval. Contact the CHESS User Office for special handling instructions. Approval is required for direct vendor shipments of hazardous materials.
Dry Dewar Shipping:
Label your dewar with:
- Dry Shipper
- Non-regulated
- Non-hazardous
- Destination info (Beamline, Beamline Scientist, Proposal Number, Contact Name)
Ship dewars early to arrive one day before beam time. All dewars will be shipped dry. If liquid nitrogen is required, note this on the shipping form and inform the CHESS User Office.
Shipping Hazardous Materials, Equipment, or Dewars from CHESS:
Please indicate the return shipment plan on the CHESS Shipping Form. CHESS will coordinate with Environmental Health and Safety for returns. Contact the CHESS User Office to arrange return shipments.
Note: All dewars will be shipped dry. If liquid nitrogen is required, note this on the shipping form and inform the CHESS User Office.