Computing resources at CHESS are integrated with those of the host laboratory, CLASSE. Below you will find an overview of computing information for CHESS. For more detailed information, visit the IT Info For CHESS Users page on the CLASSE-IT website.
Wireless Networks
There are 3 wireless networks available, all provided by Cornell University. In order of preference, they are:
1. eduroam: If you belong to a participating institution you can connect to eduroam using your institutional log-in credentials.
2. Cornell-Visitor: Each device on this network must be registered daily.
3. RedRover: Available for users with a Cornell NetID. If you do not have a Cornell NetID, you can request a Cornell Guest ID for use with RedRover.
Data Transfer
Data collected at most CHESS beamlines is written to a centralized data acquisition and storage system known as CHESS-DAQ. This system consists of a dedicated high-speed network that connects the experimental stations to hundreds of terabytes of enterprise-class redundant disk arrays, as well as an offsite magnetic tape library for long-term archival.
CHESS Users are encouraged to download their data directly from the CHESS-DAQ to their own computers. The data transfer can be done while onsite at CHESS (using one's laptop), or back at one's home institution.
Remote Data Transfer
CHESS users will need to obtain a CLASSE account to do remote data transfer. Contact your staff scientist or the CHESS User Office for assistance.
Globus is our recommended data transfer tool because it is optimized for large data volumes, and it works on any platform. To use it, users simply install Global Connect Personal (free software) on their computers and then log in to a CLASSE Globus endpoint with their CLASSE password.
We advise CHESS users to test Globus data transfers before arriving onsite, using the CHESS TEST endpoint. CHESS Users may access their data during and after their beamtime using the CHESS RAW and CHESS AUX endpoints.
Complete instructions for using Globus are available here.
Remote Login
Instructions for remote login are available here.
Onsite Data Transfer
Although it's not recommended as a general solution, users may also transfer their data to a portable USB device while onsite. This method can be slow, especially if there is large amounts of data to transfer.
When selecting a USB device to use, try to find one that is:
- USB 3.0 (instead of USB 2.0)
- Benchmarked at 100MB/s or faster for sustained sequential transfer (not burst speed) - and note the difference between megabits (Mb) and megabytes (MB)
- A hard disk drive (HDD) or solid state drive (SSD), instead of a thumb drive/memory stick/USB flash drive
See the CLASSE-IT website for more recommendations. You may also wish to consult with your local IT support for compatibility requirements with your institution's computers.
Getting Help
For immediate computing needs at CHESS, please contact your staff scientist or the CHESS operator.
For all other inquiries, please submit a CLASSE-IT service request.