For students, helping to design and develop this new facility will be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. We take seriously our responsibility to make certain that our cohort of early career researchers is diverse and inclusive.
This project is a partnership between CHESS, the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory (MagLab) and the University of Puerto Rico (UPR). The proposed infrastructure will serve convergence research between the large, multidisciplinary user communities of two forefront National Science Foundation (NSF) funded facilities – CHESS and the MagLab.
HMF will enable precision X-ray studies of materials in persistent magnetic fields that vastly exceed those available at any other synchrotron. New capabilities for X-ray scattering in high magnetic fields are an established priority of several overlapping research communities. High field magnets at synchrotrons are essential to address urgent questions in quantum materials research. Additional science impact is anticipated in chemistry, engineering, and biology.
CHESS and the MagLab each have a long history developing and operating large-scale infrastructure for national user communities, while simultaneously training students and expanding participation.
CHESS and UPR have an established NSF/PREM partnership to incubate early-career X-ray technology leaders at UPR, which this proposal will amplify. Our team of PIs and senior personnel have the exact expertise required to achieve the ambitious goals of this project and are ready to begin.