Please see our latest update for Information on Remote Operations
Description: |
The Functional Materials Beamline (FMB) focuses on the processing and properties of soft materials, including 3D printed polymers, nanoparticle-reinforced materials, and flexible electronics.
The first available techniques supporting this research at FMB are (1) simultaneous SAXS/WAXS and (2) phase contrast imaging and tomography.
A major emphasis at FMB is conducting experiments during real time materials processing conditions, such as print manufacturing, high pressure environments, and thermal annealing. FMB is part of the MSN-C partnership supported by the Air Force Research Lab. |
Scientific Staff: |
Louisa Smieska (lead); Zhongwu Wang; Arthur Woll Please contact before submitting proposal. |
Capabilities under development: |
+ Beamline-compatible 3D printing + Phase contrast imaging and tomography with beam sizes up to 2x2 mm2. + High resolution diffraction (four-circle diffractometer) + Inline microscope for sample imaging: visible light or infrared |
Anticipated availability of beamline capabilities: |
Winter 2021: Please see latest update for information on remote operations. Not all capabilities are available for remote/mail-in mode.
Fall 2020: + Micro- and bulk SAXS, WAXS scattering and scan-probe microscopy + Ability to accommodate custom in-situ processing sample environments |
Photon Energy Range: |
Discrete energy side-bounce monochromatic beam at 9.7, 15.9, 18.6 and 22.5 keV |
Energy Resolution: |
Measured energy bandwidth (FWHM) [eV] + 1.4 (0.5) at 9.7 keV + 9 (1) at 15.9 keV + 12 (3) at 18.6 keV + 22 (1) at 22.5 keV |
Spot size: |
+ Focusing with CRLs to 0.8 µm vertical and 5 µm horizontal (9.7 keV) + Bulk SAXS/WAXS: down to 0.1 x 0.1 mm2 + Full field imaging up to 2x2mm2 |