The chemistry wet lab is adjacent to the Sector 7 beamlines and provides bench space and basic supplies for routine sample preparations.
- Direct Detect and Nano Vue Plus for measuring sample concentrations
- VWR Galaxy 16D Microcentrifuge (RT and 4 °C; 14,000 rpm = 16,000 g (RCF), according to the display console)
- VWR Plate Centrifuge
- Beckman Coulter Airfuge (air-driven ultracentrifuge)
- Vortex mixer
- Stirring/heating plate
- Milli-Q Integral Water Purification System (E-POD and Q-POD)
- Basic plastic consumables and glassware
- Assorted chemicals for buffers
- pH meter
- Mass balances
- Vacuum filtration setup
- Nitrogen gas sparging setup for deoxygenating buffers
- Fume hood
- 4 °C fridge
- Cooling incubator
- Access to ice machine and -80 °C freezer (located elsewhere)