
Light-twisting materials created from nano semiconductors
A new technique transforms symmetrical semiconductor particles, producing films with extraordinary light-bending properties.

Residual Stress Model Validation of Cold Hole Expansion in an Aerospace Aluminum Alloy
Recent measurements at the Cornell High Energy Synchrotron Source (CHESS) produced data to validate a cold hole expansion (CHE) process simulation model as part of the United States Air Force (USAF) Enhanced Life Management by Engineered Residual Stress (ELMERS) program. The results quantify through-thickness residual stresses that will enable the USAF, and ultimately the taxpayer, to save money through more effective use of aerospace components.

Turning Heroic Efforts Into Everyday Experiments
Driven by the insights from 3D data acquired in real-time, the creation of new characterization methods for structural metals has seen explosive growth over the past two decades. Using high-energy X-rays and new generations of detectors, like those available at CHESS, scientists can now extract higher-resolution information over larger volumes of material at rates that were only a dream several years ago

Analysis of a three-dimensional slip field in a hexagonal Ti alloy from in-situ high-energy X-ray diffraction microscopy data
For the first time, a microscale plastic strain field (also known as crystallographic slip) has been non-destructively reconstructed in 3D in a deforming alloy.

AI powers autonomous materials discovery
SARA (the Scientific Autonomous Reasoning Agent) integrates robotic materials synthesis and characterization, along with a hierarchy of artificial intelligence and active learning methods, to efficiently reveal the structure of complex processing phase diagrams, making materials discovery vastly quicker.

In situ SAXS/WAXS mapping of thermoplastic crystallization during 3D printing
AFRL and Boeing collaborate with CHESS to enable real-time measurements of high performance thermoplastics in 3D printing composites processing.

Summer Students: Live and In-Person
CHESS Summer students came together last month for their first - and only - in-person meeting of the summer. The group of students have been working remotely with their mentors since the start of the program on June 6th due to Covid-safety precautions.

Autonomous materials development using in situ laser annealing and scan-probe, grazing incident x-ray microdiffraction.
During the 2021-1 run cycle at the FMB-beamline of MSN-C, an interdisciplinary group of researchers based at Cornell University demonstrated the first use of an AI-directed, fully-automated process for thin-film metastable materials exploration.