
Watching nanocrystals in action
The assembly of colloidal nanocrystal building blocks into ordered superlattices presents many scientifically interesting and technologically important research challenges to create programmable matter from “crystals-of-crystals”.

Where did those electrons go? Decades-old mystery solved
The concept of “valence” – the ability of a particular atom to combine with other atoms by exchanging electrons – is one of the cornerstones of modern chemistry and solid-state physics.

Coffee-ring effect leads to crystallization control in semiconductors
Varying the thickness of crystallizing materials facilitates control over the patterns and properties of crystals.

Disordered dimer state in electron-doped Sr3Ir2O7
A team led by researchers at the Materials Department University of California, Santa Barbara, working at CHESS C1 station and the Advanced Photon Source, have revealed a hidden, disordered dimer state in the electron-doped bilayer spin-orbit Mott insulator Sr3Ir2O7 [1].