Industrial research projects now have the advantage of dedicated beamtime paired with the expertise at CHESS that is required to perform these studies.
A goal of MSN-C is to provide user support well above and beyond that supplied by a typical CHESS beamline – especially for the OEM users. The intent of MSN-C is to work with OEM users to construct the optimal material characterization and simulation solution not to just provide x-ray data.
MSN-C is made possible through the efforts of a previous program at CHESS, InSitu. Where over 5 years, ONR has funded the InSitu center at CHESS with the mission of providing enhanced support to industrial users [39]. In that program, several novel residual stress measurement techniques emerged using both monochromatic (HEXD) and polychromatic x-rays (energy dispersive diffraction, EDD). The EDD technique enables penetration of up to several centimeters in steel, which rivals neutron diffraction. MSN-C will build strongly on the InSitu experience, in terms of both x-ray techniques and industrial user interaction.
Heavy equipment maker Caterpillar Inc. partnered with CHESS to test Caterpillar’s computer modeling and improve the firm’s welding technique.