Dear Colleague,
Once again we say farewell to an unprecedented year. Just like in years past, we overcome one challenge to face another - ultimately making us stronger. We will continue to feel the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic as it changes how we interact with each other and how we perform scientific research.
One thing remains certain; the resiliency of our staff and researchers.
We have learned to live with this pandemic and we must once again be ready for change. There is an increase in new cases at Cornell, and the Ithaca Campus is elevating to alert level red. Just like previous announcements we will inform the CHESS user community as to how this impacts CHESS user operations.
The next run starts January 26th, and all CHESS beamlines will be operating. Whether experiments will be done in-person or will have to be remote is yet to be seen. There has been no indication that research at Cornell will cease and we do not expect a lockdown. The Cornell and CHESS community has learned a lot since the start of the pandemic, and we are ready for whatever the future may bring.
I want to personally thank CHESS staff for their determination in providing a state-of-the-art resource during this time. You are truly one-of-kind. I also want to thank CHESS users for your patience and understanding as we navigate this new normal. Your science will continue to shape our future and we will continue to be here for you.
We are a stronger community by working together and overcoming the obstacles of this pandemic. No one person could do this alone.
There is a lot to look forward to in the upcoming year, and I am excited to be on this journey with you. We will keep you up-to-date with any changes, and please reach out if you have questions.
Thanks to all of you, and best wishes for 2022.
Stay healthy and stay safe,
Joel Brock, Director, CHESS