These new hutches are prototypes and a head start for the CHESS-U upgrade planned for summer 2018. The complete structure was pre-fabricated at ADC Inc. in Lansing, NY, and carefully disassembled and transported by CLASSE riggers to Wilson Lab. Preparations to the floor, involving steel and concrete fill over the existing utility trench, and cutting of a new door threshold, were completed just in time for the delivery of the first panels. Much planning resulted in us meeting the 6 day installation goal, proving that we can indeed meet the compressed installation schedule planned for summer 2018. The structure consists of co-joined hutches 1A3 and 2B. Hutch 1A3 is an extension hutch for the F2 station. It is being fully fitted out and will be commissioned in early Feburary 2018. User experiments are already being scheduled. Once 1A3 is up and running, our focus will move to hutch 2B. Lighting, electric service and cable tray will be installed to get a jump start on summer construction tasks.
The lights are on in hutch 1A3. Electrical power is being installed and the safety interlock system is being installed. The January machine shutdown will be a flurry of activity as final electrical connections are made. Station beam stops are in place and lead shielding is being installed, transfer pipes will be next and then lead shielding completed. Finally, the experimental equipment and controls will be relocated from F2 station and then commissioning can begin. The most notable feature of the new hutch is its size, almost 4 times larger than other CHESS hutches and over two feet taller. This will allow much needed breathing room for ever expanding experiments. 1A3 will also be able to accommodate white beam experiments. Commissioning of this feature is scheduled for late April 2018.